
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2024

Modus Vivendi

  España Month n°1 Salut ! My name is Elise, I'm 19 y.o and come from France.  Welcome in my blog, here you can know a little more about my journey in Spain. Which is for now pretty interesting... Well... What an adventure !  That's what I'm telling myself when I think about this first month here, in Spain. And honestly... I don't know where to begin . Let's start with a little bit of before . Because, we always need a bit of context. As I said, I'm 19, turning 20 this year, and as pretty much every person of my age or more, I don't know what to do in my life , I love everything, learning new knowledges, honestly If I could I would inscribe myself in a thousand different courses in a thousand different universities/schools. Anyway, after 1 year and half of superior studies, one thought was stuck in my mind. Travelling, discovering, making art and learning from life experiences. That's what I needed . Thus, I applied ...